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PerformanceReviewPerformance Review​​ Configuration

Initial setup includes populating all the related lookup lists like Departments, ratings, etc. Then setting up permissions so that different users like HR and employees see the appropriate information.

This process can be customized depending on your current review process. 

​Configuration Step 1 - ​Update Hero web part on homepage

​Add links for each image to link to the appropriate page in the Site pages library.

    1. My Reviews > MyReviews.aspx
    2. Manager Dashboard > ManagerDashboard.aspx
    3. Department Dashboard > DepartmentDashboard.aspx
    4. HR Dashboard > HR-Dashboard.aspx

Configuration Step 2 - Enter Lookup data

Go to the Admin page and enter data for the lists that will be used in the Review process

  1. Departments and Department Managers
    ​​​​​​​This is used for setting employee departments and automatically tracks the department manager for views and reporting
  2. Ratings for the Review
    The Ratings are used to calculate an overall rating for an employee review. See example below:
  3. Review Questions that will be used in each review:
    These are the questions that will be used in each Performance Review for employees and managers to comment and rate each area. 
    1. ​​​​​​​See example Questions below:
    2. Preventing & Solving Problems
    3. Self-Management
    4. Achieving Results
    5. Communicating & Influencing
    6. Leading Others
  4. ​Review Dates
    ​​​​​​​​Add in Due dates to show on the homepage.

Configuration Step 3 - Setup Permissions
  1. Set unique permissions on the HR-Dashboard page to hide it from Users
    1. Go to Site Pages Library 
    2. Select the ellipses next to HR-Dashboard.aspx
    3. Choose Manage Access > Advanced
    4. Stop inheriting permissions and only give HR and Owners permission to the page
  2. Add users to give access and permissions to the App
    1. HR users to the HR Group
    2. Owners to the Owners Group
    3. Users to the Members Group
    4. Note: Department Managers will be automatically added to the Department Managers Group​

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