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SimpleHire​SimpleHire​​ Configuration

Update related lookup lists and site permissions to setup the app for use.

​Configuration Step 1 - Update Lookup lists
  1. Update the following lists with your company data
    1. ​Departments - list departments
    2. Locations - Used if you have multiple office locations​
Configuration Step 2 - Master Task List
  1. Add all the tasks that need to be completed with each new hire.
  2. Add in tasks like setting up a laptop, adding to payroll, any meetings that need to be completed at a certain time. 
    This list will be used when a new staff is being onboarded to generate a set of standard tasks to be done during the staff onboarding process

Configuration Step 3 - Permissions​Add users to the appropriate SharePoint groups that will give them access to certain areas of the app and forms.
  1. Users
  2. HR​

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